Best Angular videos in January

Best Angular videos in January

After publishing our Top 10 Angular videos from 2020 , we’re finally back with January’s finest. Ranging from error monitoring, Kendo UI, NgRx selectors and ag Grid, here are the greatest Angular meetup videos from January, 2021.

Angular error monitoring | Neil Manvar

In this workshop, Sentry Sales Engineering Manager Neil Manvar walks you through integrating Sentry into your Angular app, step by easy-to-understand step. He’ll show you how to integrate the SDK by importing your library, then how to configure it. By the end of this workshop, you’ll be able to surface and inspect any and all errors within your app.

DDD | Web3 & Angular | Developing components | WOW SEO

Check out this mega-talk containing four very interesting Angular presentations about DDD, using Web3, developing components, and finally, SEO.

The talks are held by Manfred Steyer, Zoe Augustinos, Peter Smith & Jeff Whelpley respectively.

Angular: Hot module replacement | Mark Thompson

In this video Angular team member Mark Thompson will be taking a look at HMR (hot module replacement) in Angular. Together you’ll go through a quick demo to see it in action!

Angular: Kendo UI in Apps | Alyssa Nicoll

This half-day workshop will be covering topics from getting started with Kendo UI to more advanced features of the Kendo UI Components. Alyssa Nicoll covers some of the most popular Components, including Form Components, Kendo UI Grid, and the Kendo UI Charts!

Angular: NgRx Selector | Michael Madsen

Learn more about the NgRx selectors in Angular by Michael Madsen!

Angular and OAuth 2.0: Field Notes | Maria Korneeva

Learn more about using OAuth 2.0 with Angular thanks to Maria Korneeva from ng-conf!

Angular ag Grid: Getting started | Brian Love

In this workshop, Brian Love will teach you how to get started with ag-Grid, how we can enable sorting and filtering of data in the grid, custom cell rendering, and using the infinite row model for endlessly scrolling of data. You will walk away from the workshop equipped with the knowledge for implementing ag-Grid into your Angular application.

Angular: ag Grid advanced | Brian Love

In this advanced usage of ag-Grid workshop, Brian Love will teach you how to leverage NgRx with the delta row model for effective data mutation, how to extend the styling of ag-Grid, and how to build custom Angular components for rendering, filtering, and editing data. You will walk away from this workshop equipped with the knowledge to integrate ag-Grid with NgRx’s store, and how to extend ag-Grid for your application’s unique requirements